Express Yourself

dog glands

Since we’re on the topic of grooming, I recently found out that some people express their dog’s anal glands at home! Needless to say, I was shocked (and a little grossed out).

If you’ve ever seen your dog scooting it’s rear end across the floor, it’s likely because your dog’s glands are full. Sometimes, your dog may sit suddenly and with force on the butt. This is natural and happens because your dog’s stool is too soft and liquid collects in the anal sac. Most people have their vets take care of this for them for a small fee, but my groomer includes this procedure in every appointment.

There are MANY YouTube tutorials on how to express your dog’s glands, and there seems to be two ways of doing it. Squeezing at 4 and 8 o’clock and pushing up, or sticking a finger in your dog’s rectum and squeezing up and out over the glands (be sure to wear a latex glove and use KY for lubrication). If you’re not hurling yet from this description, below is a visual tutorial.

Warning: The liquid that shoots out has a putrid smell. It’s probably best to do this in the tub.

As for me, I’ll just let the pros handle it.

4 thoughts on “Express Yourself

  1. LOL!! Some people = moi, I admit…believe it or not (and to gross you out even more), I have some dog owner friends who also do it at home. Too funny.

  2. Pingback: Top 10 Ways You Know You Are a Pet Parent | #9 | uptownpuppy

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