A Food Tour of L.A.

I’ve never been a fan of L.A.  But this time around, I’ve been enjoying myself here in the City of Angels.  Downtown L.A. is apparently going through a revitalization, and a focus on the culinary experience has been an important part of that renaissance.  Thank goodness, because we’re staying right smack in the middle of downtown.  I’ve been making regular trips to Bottega Louie for their perfect macarons and my daily carb-fix.  SugarFish gave my go-to sushi place in New York a run for its money.  Our take-out, which came in a specially-designed box, included a postcard with very specific instructions on how to eat each sushi.  Of course.


Despite all that downtown has to offer, I still drove 30 minutes for the acclaimed ramen at Mitsuwa (and 30 minutes back).  And another 30 minutes for the most addictive tacos at King Tacos.  And of course, I had to make a special trip for Bailey.

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Model Dogs

If you liked this, then check out this month’s Paper magazine.  It includes a fashion-forward picture editorial that highlights dogs as “a girl’s best accessory.”  I’m not sure about the accessory part of it because the dogs clearly steal the scene.  Here are a few shots that caught my eye:

All photos by Emily Shur.  Styled by Martha Violante.  From the April 2012 Paper.

Dogs Are For Warming Your Soul

I’m constantly amazed by how animals, dogs in particular, can relate to humans.  Sometimes they know us better than our human friends.  And when I’m having a rough week like this past one, I wish I had a dog to warm my soul and show me that there is still good in the world.  In the meantime, these videos and stories will do.

Warning: these may make you weepy on a Friday!

A boxer welcomes home a soldier.

Best NYT article I’ve read all year.

Long lost friends reunite.

Canine Couture at Fashion for Paws

Fashion for Paws

Photo: Fido Journalism

It’s spring gala season, and there is none as buzz worthy, glamorous, and fun as Fashion for Paws held at the National Building Museum in Washington DC. This past Saturday marked the 6th Annual Fashion for Paws Runway Show featuring 10 one-of-a-kind human and dog couture pairings designed by the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, followed by a fashion show of models accompanied by dogs.  Fashion for Paws is a pretty big deal, as all the local celebs come out for the production.

Sadly, we couldn’t go. (It was at least $3K/table!  And besides, we had our own little party.)  But here are a few of my favorite dog/human pairings.

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Charities for Dogs

Photo: Rick Edwards

It’s tax season!  When M asked me for all of my receipts from charitable giving the past year, I started thinking about charities that I would like to support this year.  While doing some research, I found a few local animal organizations that do a lot of good work.
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Fashion Ads

I’ve been seeing more fashion ads with dogs lately–those advertisers sure know how to get us.  I keep going back to these three.  The Jack Russell terrier in the BR ad is, as my professor used to say, too cute for school, but my favorite is the weimaraner in the Longchamp ad.  The Stella McCartney ad wins for best story: the black and white image in the background is of the family’s dalmatian, taken in 1976 by Linda McCartney.  What’s your favorite?

Happy Friday

Do you have fun plans for the weekend with your pups?  It feels like spring in New York, so it’s perfect for going on a long walk in Central Park or throwing a ball with your dog.

Check out this video of a very sprightly dog following a game of table tennis.  The video reminds me of Bailey, who has a great jump and determination to match.

Drop by next week for another doggie treat recipe and more from the adventures of our fearless puppy, Bailey.  Have a great weekend!

Oscar Season

To get ready for the Oscars, my friends and I watched “The Artist” this past weekend.  The movie is about the fall of silent film actor George Valentin with the rise of talkies, and has garnered nominations in nearly every major category.  But one actor stood out for me: Uggie the Jack Russell Terrier who played Jack, George’s sidekick.  His role was critical to the plot, and he played his part with such finesse!  Uggie has already won several acting awards, including the Palm Dog Award for best canine performance at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.  He even beat the Doberman in Scorsese’s “Hugo” in the first ever Golden Collar Awards this year.

Take a look at some of Uggie’s scene-stealing moments.  In the “Breakfast Table” scene, George and Jack are looking at the cold wife.  Uggie has the “oops, did I do something wrong?” look down.

Photo: The Weinstein Co.

George and Jack, trying to apologize by acting silly and adorable.  How could one resist?  But it didn’t work for the cold wife, so you know the marriage is headed for trouble.

Photo: The Weinstein Co.

Uggie made use of these sad eyes throughout the movie.  There’s so much depth and emotion captured here!  The longing, the sorrow, the “I love you so much, why don’t you love yourself, too?” look.

Photo: The Weinstein Co.

Uggie definitely deserves to walk the red carpet on Oscars night, so we’re joining the Consider Uggie campaign!

Presidential Dogs

People say that dogs and their owners tend to resemble each other.  Can you match each president with his dog, based on looks?

Click below to see the answers!
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