Product | Doggles

Given all the rain that we’ve seen in NYC in the past two days, it seems untimely to talk about anything related to the sun or summer.  So let’s rewind and pretend for just a minute that the weather is back to being in the 70’s and sunny…like this weekend.

Now, I’m not entirely sure why a dog would need sunglasses, but I came across these on Daily Kibble the other day and thought they were too hot to pass up.  Here are my favs, paired with a designer set to match.  Check out more here.



Top left:  Doggles Optix Copper Dog Goggles.  $19.99.

Top right:  Tom Ford Ace Plastic Shield Aviators, Havana.  $420.

Bottom left:  Doggles ILS Chrome Dog Goggles.  $25.

Bottom right:  Carolina Herrera Two-Tone Sunglasses, Cream.  $325.

What do you think of doggles?  Cool, or ridiculous?

3 thoughts on “Product | Doggles

  1. Като цяло организацията на българските студенти и абсолвенти в Манхайм обобщава доста песимистично резултатите от анкетата. Тези, които краткосрочно и дългосрочно искат да се завърнат в България са едва 13,5% I koe tochno e piscmistiehnoto? 13,5%, koito vaznamerqvat da se zavarnat e, bih kazala, savsem ne tolkova pesimistichen rezultat (da ne kaja optimistichen) az lichno predpolagah, che sa po-malko

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