Product | Doggles

Given all the rain that we’ve seen in NYC in the past two days, it seems untimely to talk about anything related to the sun or summer.  So let’s rewind and pretend for just a minute that the weather is back to being in the 70’s and sunny…like this weekend.

Now, I’m not entirely sure why a dog would need sunglasses, but I came across these on Daily Kibble the other day and thought they were too hot to pass up.  Here are my favs, paired with a designer set to match.  Check out more here.



Top left:  Doggles Optix Copper Dog Goggles.  $19.99.

Top right:  Tom Ford Ace Plastic Shield Aviators, Havana.  $420.

Bottom left:  Doggles ILS Chrome Dog Goggles.  $25.

Bottom right:  Carolina Herrera Two-Tone Sunglasses, Cream.  $325.

What do you think of doggles?  Cool, or ridiculous?

Dog-sitting Miss Mindy

Since we returned from L.A., M and I have been dog-sitting Miss Mindy.  Boy, was her momma prepared.  Miss Mindy came with her bed, blankie, her 5 favorite toys … even her medical records!  I appreciated all the thoughtfulness in packing Miss Mindy for the stay ’cause in my opinion, over-preparedness is like insurance; something is likely to happen that one time you decide not to buy the extra insurance.  And of course, everything went fine.

But Miss Mindy must’ve felt a bit homesick because she didn’t want to be alone at all.  She napped right by my desk all day, followed me every time I got up, and cozied right next to me whenever I sat on the couch.  I’d call it suffocation if a human did that, but with Miss Mindy, it just melted my heart.

Of course, I had all the goodies I brought from L.A., and Bailey was nice enough to share some s’mores with Miss Mindy.  Erin and I also tried out a new doggie treat recipe, which I’ll share tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

Puppy Search | Adoption

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I’m starting to think that finding the right puppy is a lot harder than finding Mr. Right.  At least the way I remember it, meeting and falling in love with M was an unexpected surprise.  I was happily single, not even looking for a boyfriend, when it happened.  By contrast, our puppy search has led to one dead end after another.  Part of the reason is that we’re limited to hypoallergenic breeds.  And I just really, really want a miniature schnauzer.  I thought I finally had a breakthrough when a friend forwarded me an ad seeking a loving home to adopt a two-year-old miniature schnauzer.  Potty trained.  Active and healthy.  His parents could no longer keep him because a family member had developed allergies.

Could this have been any more ideal?
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Weekend Photo Roll

Admittedly, the weekend wasn’t quite as productive as I had planned.  Not even close.  That’s not to say that we didn’t have a great weekend with friends and family cooking dinner, talking politics, watching J. Edgar, and brunching with an old college friend at Recipe, a farm-to-table restaurant–and one of my personal favorites on the UWS.

More details to come on Bailey’s vet visit, our latest home-made dog treat, and everything in between.  Here’s a photo roll of some highlights.

Bailey spends Saturday morning playing peekaboo.  Or, perhaps she’s trying to hide from what is to come…

Bailey peekaboo

Photo: Erin

Getting a bath: Bailey’s most despised activity, but a very necessary one to trick the vets into thinking we’re on top of our pet parenting!

Bath time

Photo: Erin

Bailey and me, pooped from the morning’s activities.  Bailey climbs on my shoulder so we can use each other as a pillow.

Bailey pillow

Photo: S

Mindy shows off her sock monkey sweater when she comes over to play on Sunday night.


Photo: Erin

Mindy and Bailey duke it out for freshly-baked carob wafers at the end of the night.

Bailey and Mindy

Photo: Erin